Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Secret Temple

Secret Temple - One of the things we've been busy with these days.

It's getting more interesting recently, especially in a free PK area, with more participants from other factions due to news on the drops.

Da Mobs we meet inside:

Castors - They're pretty easy. Just hit space bar. They are not supposed to do much damage.
If these can do you damage, then you can pretty much forget about the rest of the raid.


Diabolo - This big guy here will spawn at a random location. We'll just have to keep running around to look for it while PKing others. He drops seal & random equipment.


Chaos Skullic - The main boss. Drops an outburst of seal and equips.
Boy this guy is tough. Trained fast fingers from it though, from potting :D


We'll usually have a lotta time while waiting for these main bosses to spawn, so we'll find silly things to do.

Welling was mobbed by the rest of the squad a few nights back, everyone ran around to lure castors to him while he was on the phone with me. His chars were on keep mode, i don't have to elaborate further.
Imagine taking more than ten castors at a go, and the rest of the team just standing aside to watch. Mean. LOL.


And oh yes! For the first time, i got upclose & personal with Diabolo. I can see his face, finally!
This won't be seen at Pradera definitely, he lives less than 10 seconds there.
Was granted an opportunity to solo him last night. Hah. Handsome dude he is.


But as it was a furious PK session at ST last night with another faction.. 2 hours time was up quickly.. so we didn't manage to kill Skullic & Diabolo and were teleported to T. Lakeside.


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